Mimi Vadasz
Adminstrative Director
AMGA Certified
Ski Mountaineering Guide
Bela G. Vadasz
Technical Director
IFMGA Certified Guide
February 18, 2011
Greetings Friends of ASI!
The sun break was lots of fun...carving on the groomers, fast XC skate skiing and unseasonably excellent corn snow on the open south facing slopes in untracked backcountry. Now, everyone's ready for the new snow and more fresh tracks. The second blast of winter has arrived. We've had over 70" in the last 48 hours. The skiing is unbelievable!
Logan Vadasz, 15, skiing and filming his descent of the DOA Couloir, Blackcomb Peak, Whistler/Blackcomb Sidecountry, British Columbia.
TECH TIP - Making the Uphills Easy: Bela G. Vadasz
Sure, touring with skins can feel a bit awkward at first. But with a few hundred strides and focus on some technique tips, you can make the uphill feel easy.
Start with good posture:
A nice upright body position with your back plumb to the slope. Stay tall , yet relaxed and keep your hips centered over your feet. Avoid excess bending at the waist and cantilevering with each step.
Make short, diagonal strides:
Move your opposite arm and leg forward. Stay centered and balanced over the middle of your skis. Use your foot, knee, whole leg and hip to move your ski forward. Try to stride without rotating your upper body. Keep your poles and arms in two imaginary slots that remain parallel to your skis. Read on...
Turn on to Sidecountry:
Instant lift access to tens of thousands of acres off the backside of the incredible Four Peaks Cirque of Sugar Bowl. For advanced skiers and riders, this can be your first tracks in the backcountry or for die-hards ready to come back and ski new lines. There are lots of take-away skills, tips and techniques you'll learn along. This is a must do day of ski adventure!
Lift accessed backcountry from the BAC at Sugar Bowl. Every Sat, Sun & Holiday. Get a group of 3 or more and make your own mid-week date. Feb 26, 2011
Feb 27, 2011 Mar 5, 2011
Mar 6, 2011...
Tahoe Backcountry Ski Tours: These "Sunday Routes" are a perfect follow-up day to apply the skills you learned on your Intro/Sidecountry course. These tours are also for skiers & splitboarders with previous backcountry experience to join:
Been working on your skiing?: We all keep working on improving our skiing. It's part of the beauty of the "life sport" of skiing. Mid-season is a great time to take a clinic. You've already been skiing and you've got your ski legs back. There's no better time to take away some great tips from a pro.
Peter Leh, Mimi Vadasz & Bela G. Vadasz received their 30 Year certified pin from Professional Ski Instructors of America this season.
Telemark Clinic - Movement Analysis
Come as you are with whatever technique you have. This simple clinic provides movement analysis with a "state-of-the-art" look at your telemark skiing. $48Saturdays (1-2:30pm)
Call for details
Featured Book - Skiing With Style: by Robert Frolich
In memory of our friend, Robert Frolich. He loved the mountains and the history of skiing in the Tahoe area. He wrote the fantastic book, "Skiing with Style", a marvelous history of skiing at Sugar Bowl, here in the Sierra. This book is on display here at the BAC. We'll miss "Fro".
Sugar Bowl To Squaw Valley High Route
The classic North Tahoe Ski Tour. After 30 years, we have choreographed this presentation to perfection. As a 2-day route, we add very enjoyable skiing to this classic line. This is the perfect opportunity to learn the infamous ASI High & Light ski camping system that allows us to enjoy multi-day routes with tiny, light packs. Feb 26-27, 2011(Sat-Sun) Mar 12-13, 2011...(Sat-Sun)
The Sierra High Route, 30 Years! Guides: Peter Leh & Geoff Clarke
Our 30 Year Anniversary of ASI guiding the premier high-level route across the Sierra from Symmes Creek and Shepherd Pass to Wolverton in Sequoia National Park. Join us on this incredible classic tour along the roof of the Range of Light.
May 1-6, 2011(Sun-Fri)
We look forward to climbing and skiing with you and helping you achieve your mountain dreams. If you can't find the answer to a question on our website, don't hesitate to give us a call.
Bela & Mimi Vadasz - ASI Directors
Alpine Skills International 530-426-7005